Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blast From the Past

In August 1997, Chris & I got our picture taken at the Pioneer Village at Lagoon. Newleyweds, not quite married a year yet, having a fun day at Lagoon then........

11 years later.......

Chris & I at Lagoon, with 3 little mini's us's, having a blast at Lagoon!!

Wow, how time flies!!


Biffy said...

Oh my goodness, Melissa, where did you find the fountain of youth? You haven't changed at all! I love the pictures - that Taylee is definitely a little Melissa!

Jill said...

That was a great idea to get another picture. It is fun to see how much things have changed over the years.

Jamie Kent said...

Melissa, I agree with Biffy, you have not changed! That is so fun your family had your picture taken. I didn't even think of that when we were there. How fun!

Eric and Jenny said...

Okay I agree with everyone else you do not look 11 years older in that picture. You look exactly the same how lucky are you? What a fun day at Lagoon I bet your kids loved it.

Jill said...

I can't find your phone #. We are planning on going to Williard, I haven't heard from anyone else so I guess that is all we are going to be doing.

Eric and Jenny said...

Melissa what is your email we are going private with our blog so I wanted to send you an invite to view it. Just leave me a comment or email me at I hope you guys all have a great 4th, I am so sad I am missing it.