Sunday, May 16, 2010

Mother's Day / Austin's Ordination

Mother's day!!! My favorite day of the year. The day I get to celebrate being a mom. I love being a mom. I love being with my mom. This year was special. I got to share part of it with Austin. He got ordained to the office of a Deacon in the church. We got to celebrate that and mother's day together at our house with our whole family!

Here is the annual picture of me and the kids before church.

Here is Chris and his brother Brian with their mom.

Here are the "Snyder Men"

Here is My Family's "Men". They all helped ordain Austin.

Trapper, Jaycee, my mom, Me, & Lance
Our awesome mom on Mother's Day!

Picture of the girls on the couch

1 comment:

nana said...

Thanks for inviting us share your Mother's Day! It is great being a mother. And it's great being a Grandmother. Congratulations, Austin - our first grandson to receive the Priesthood. We love you all.