Sunday, June 21, 2009

Camping & Taylee's Birthday

Last weekend, we all decided to go camping to the Green River by Flaming Gorge Dam. We went with a fun family, the Earl's. I was really hesitant to go after our not so fun ,wet , unpredictable weather. I had nightmares of being stuck in our tent in a rain storm the whole time.... but it was nothing like that.

We had very nice weather! So nice that Brinley thought she had to take off her shoes and walk in the water on the boat ramp! I can't keep her out of the water, she is a little fish!

Chris did a little fly fishing the first day and he floated the Green in a kick boat the second day. He had a great time. Even though he did not catch a fish, he always had a smile on his face. He loves to be outside fishing.

Chris was showing Austin how to use his fishing pole and he caught a fish!. Tiny one, but they caught one!

The girls had a blast playing with the Earl girls, Cambrie and Caroline. They also had an older sister named, Chelsey. I hardly saw my girls, they played and played with each other. It actually was a little vacation for me. I got to sit on a lawn chair and read a book!

We had a great dinner, dutch oven, my favorite. The Earl family has 7 kids, all but one was there. ages 19, 18, 17, 15, 14, 12, & 11. So as you can see, I did not have to watch my kids very much, I had lots of babysitters!

When we packed up and headed home, they fell asleep 10 minutes down the road. They were so tuckered out. Playing hard, fishing hard, not sleeping so great and a lot of sun, that's what made them crash!

Then this weekend was Taylee's Birthday. She wanted a new bike for her birthday, so My mom and I took her shopping and she picked out her new bike.

She was so excited that her bike said "Slumber Party" on it cause she was having a slumber party that night with her friends.

She had four friends sleep over. They played at the park for awhile. This is their sassy poses!

We made lipgloss, decorated little bags with fabric markers, sang on the ps2 "Disney sing it".

I painted everyones toes and fingers until one in the morning! I finally told them "We have to go to bed"

I let them sleep in the next morning until 8:30. We also made fuzzy flip flops. Look how cute they all are in the morning. It was fun and I think Taylee had fun. It was all of their first sleep over and I think it was a success!
I was so tired by the end of the whole thing, how do they get so much energy?


Amy said...

Wow Melissa! Party time with the Snyder's. Love all the cute girls. Green River is a fun place to camp. See you soon.

Eric and Jenny said...

Melissa you are such a great mom, I bet Taylee will remember that for years to come, I have memories of my mom waking me up in the middle of night for hot chocolate just the two of us. It's so sweet you let them stay up and painted their toenails, I bet they just loved the party. Happy birthday Taylee!

TW said...

Looks like one fun the painted toenails and slippers. Happy Birthday Taylee. Can't wait for the 4th and your baptism. Let us know the plans. Love you all!

Jill said...

What a good Mom you are. I used to love having friend birthday parties. Looks like you had fun camping we need to camp more it looks so fun.